Competition number six – Open no restrictions

And so we come to our last internal competition of the season. Without a doubt this year has provided us with some stunning images and exciting competitions. Our last of the season being no exeption. As we approach our closed season we would like to thank each and every member who contibuted to our competitions throughout this year.

Here is looking forward to next year and more amazing photographs . However a competition is not a competition without a Judge and as always our Judges are invaluable both for their attention to detail and their sage advice. Many, many thanks to each and everyone of them.

Our Popular Nature Competition

With our new competition structure in place for 2023/2024 we return to one of a select few themed competitions. Tonights competition is one of our most popular ones, Nature.

We were so happy to welcome Judge Nick Berentzon to cast an experienced eye over our images. Congratulations to everyone who entered as it was a very tough job to Judge such a high quality set of images.

Our new format for competitions

With a change to our competition format this year we are continuing with our ‘open’ competitions and so we come to Competition number two. Which was judged by Harry Emmett CPAGB. As we go forward we will be refining our presentations for each competition.

Our first Competition of 2023/2024 season

We were fortunate to have Judge Keith Richardson to officiate with our first Competition and with his experience and insights he made a real contributio9n to the success of the evening. Thank you Judge Richardson and we hope to see you soon.

This year we have decided to slightly ammend our competitions we are replacing the first, second , third etc format we have used previously and replaced this with a more straightforward point based acclocation, Whereby we are instruction our Judges to award each photograph a score between one and twenty.

This ammended scoring system will be under review at the season to determine its sucess. All our competitions this season will follow this ammednded format.

  • Evening Promenade_20_David Brown
    Evening Promenade_20_David Brown

Annual Exhibition – our final internal competition of 2023

We come at last to our annual exhibition where we showcase our talented members best work, suffice to say our esteemed Judge in this case Nick Hilton had a real challenge to decide our winners, throughout the year we have all strived to produce a body of work of which we can all be proud of and certainly this year our members have produced work of outstanding quality.

Thank you to Judge Hilton for his efforts and sage advice, hopefully his comments will drive us all to produce even better work in 2024

  • Praying Mantis_15_Charles Connor
    Praying Mantis_15_Charles Connor

Final competition of the 2023 Season A4 Print.

For our final competition of the 2023 season we wished to encourage our members to produce actual print media, in recognition of the time and effort needed to produce large prints, not including the skill to mount the media, we decided to run the competition as an unmounted A4 print.

Our judge on the night was challenged to only consider the content of the work and not the media, we wanted to enure that content and not print quality were the primary consideration.

Our judge the experienced

George Steele
CPAGB LRPS BPE2 did an outstanding job with a brief which might be a little unisual. For this we are very, very grateful.

  • Entrance To N.a.s.a._13_Graham Kendrick
    Entrance To N.a.s.a._13_Graham Kendrick