St Helens V Atherton competition

This years competition was neck and neck until the final few images, and Atherton proved to be too strong, pulling away and taking victory late in the competition.

The quality of the enteries was exceptionally high from both clubs and our Judge on the night was hard pressed to seperate the two clubs, however late in the competition Atherton managed to pull away from us with two stunning twenty point images.

Congratulations to Atherton on a very hard fought contest and well done indeed to our members who submitted images of the highest order.

Looking forward to next years competition where circustances will allow we hope to meet face to face in the more traditional mannor.

Battle of the Clog competition

We were victorious in the annual battle of the Clog competition with Wigan PS, our Judge for the night John Smith found it a challenge. Full credit to Wigan their entries were of the highest order. However this year the Clog remains with us. Congratulations to all those who entered and what a high standard both clubs set.

Thank you Wigan PS for all your efforts on the night and congratulations to all at our club.

Look forward to next year, where we should be able to meet in the traditional way.

The start of 2020-2021 season.

Thank you to all our members who have been so patient whilst we have been working so hard in the background to start our 2020/21 season. We began with a new first for the club with our first Zoom competition, we had a great response from the members and whilst not ideal it was a complete success.

Many thanks to our judge on the night Darrell Oakden DPAGB EFIAP BPE4* who was insightful, thoughtful and provided invauable advice, as well as a keen judges eye for the outcome.

You will find the winning images on the competition results page, please pay a visit as each and every member of the club has been working hard this year to produce some amazing work. Hope it wont be too long before we can once more meet up in person to enjoy this wonderful hobby.

Club News and Update

Due to the ongoing situation regarding the Covid-19 virus. we have decided not to open our club during 2020.

We feel it not in the best interests of our members and Judges to hold our meetings.

Rest assured that St Helens Camera Club is still active and will remain so long into the future.

We will be risk assessing the on going situation, however we feel that early January 2021 is perhaps the best time to take stock of the situation.

Our internal Facebook group is still very active and we wish all our members and Judges the very best.

We will see you all in the New year.

Keep Well and Keep Safe

St Helens Camera Club

Willowbrook Hospice Appeal

One of our esteemed members has posted this event in the local community and in these increasingly difficult times we would like to support and offer any help we can. So if you can, please help this worthy cause.

Below you will find the full text of the appeal.

Hello everyone.


Two of our Grandchildren (Chloe and Kyla) are using this lockdown period to try and raise much needed funds for our local hospice, “WillowBrook”. This will help towards the current losses due to the shops being shut.

To do this they are going for a run/walk every day for at least 1 mile per day.

Would you be so kind, as to pledge whatever you can afford to sponsor them? All monies donated, will go directly via their “Just Giving” page to the hospice.

The “Just Giving” details are as follows;

Obviously hospices are always looking for additional support/funding, however with the hospice shops being closed, the situation is much more dramatic.

Hopefully you can help.

Many thanks in anticipation.

Carol & John Fairclough.

Club announcement – Covid-19

With the ongoing situation regarding the Covid-19 virus we have decided to cease any meetings with immediate effect. We feel its our duty to protect both the members of the club and the members of the public who may visit.

However we are constantly updateing our assesment of the situation and will keep everyone informed as to when its is safe and prudent to commence our meetings.

Thank you to all our Judges, members and our allied friends who we wish to thank for their services this year and we do look forward to seeing you all again before very long.

We are still an active club and our internal facebook page is still alive and thriving so to all members of the club, please log in to see some of our great content and in place of your competitions perhaps showing your talent on our group will help to pass the time.

So until we meet once more, stay safe, stay well and see you all soon .

Members Gallery – Gavin Wallace

The first in an occasional series showcasing our members portfolio’s, these stunning images are from Gavin Wallace one of our accomplished photographers who has a wide interest in the Art.

All images are copyright Gavin Wallace, all rights reserved.

  • Copyright Gavin Wallace, all rights reserved

Our Annual Exhibition is now on at the World of Glass

Maybe after viewing all our members pictures you would like to see the real thing up close. We are proud to be in association with The World Of Glass in hosting our Annual exhibiton where you can view at your leasure all our members printed work, framed and presented in Gallery format. There is nothing quite like viewing a photographic print at close range to see every detail and the care and craftsmanship which goes in to every picture.

Our exhibition can be seen here

Annual Exhibition
Annual Exhibition

Our Open Learning Day- Workshop and Model shoot 17th August 2019

Over the past few months we have been runnning several workshops and learning days for our members in the World of Glass

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Due to high demand we have arranged to open our latest learning day to the general public. This will allow anyone who has an interest in photography to come along and meet our members.

On the day we will have expert advice on how to set up your camera, use a variety of software packages to edit your photographs and advice on printing your finished photos.

In addition we have a lighting and portrature workshop available to all.

Sheridans Photography will be demonstrating lighting and posing methods enabling you can get the most out of taking pictures of people.

We are pleased to welcome Ms Kat Lockwood as our guest model for the workshop there will be an oppertunity to put into practise everything you have learned whilst you shoot with Ms Lockwood on the day. Stephen Sheridan will be on hand to provide expert help and guidance as you shoot.

Please come along and experience our camera club and all we have to offer in this great hobby of Photography the event will run from 10 a.m to around 4 p.m with the workshop scheduled to start around 12 noon.

Please note there will be a admitance charge of £5 on the day, which include the workshop and model shoot.

Wednesday Learning Day at the World of Glass

We are once more holding one of our Summer learning days on Wednesday 17th of June. This is for members of St Helens Camera Club and invited guests only. We will be once more covering a variety of things, all photography related, there will be an oppertunity to take part in a lighting workshop, so bring along your camera, full studio lighting will be provided.

We will also be providing a tutorial about how to teather shoot in studio and using Capture One, Affinity Photo and On1 Photo Raw how to get your most efficient workflow from Camera to Print.

We are also looking to open out our next learning day to the public, should the interest be shown in the event. this will be a full lighting workshop with Model and the oppertunity to take your own photographs and have critique given on how best to improve your pictures.

Hope to see you all there.

St Helens Camera Club.