
Welcome to ‘My home town’ competition. Our galleries have been away for a while but hopefully we are back with a wonderful selection of images from our competition. Our Judge on the night was Steve Hitchen EPAGB
AFIAP BPE5, and we thank him very much for all his comments and advice,

  • 16_Night out at Albert Dock_Jean Malthouse

Welcome to our Portrait Competition for 2022, we were Judged tonight by the expert eye of Judge: Rebecca Entwistle, who encouraged quite a lot of audience participation during her judging. A much appreciated addition to the night. Thank you for a fun and insightful night.

  • Just A Girl_13_Peter Caulfield
    Just A Girl_13_Peter Caulfield

Returning from our Soul Train Show assignment we return to our normal club competitions and tonight we welcomed Judge Terry Hewitt to officiate at our competition. As always when we welcome our Judges we are happy and grateful for their experience and comments when viewing our entries.

  • Yellow rose_14_David Holmes
    Yellow rose_14_David Holmes

Tonight Judge Gordon Bartley
ARPS had a very difficult night as the standard of pictures submitted was so high, after much deliberation, he made his choices and can we all congratulate our winners on the night for the 2021 Portrait competition. Many thanks to Judge Bartley for all his comments and insights into what make a great portrait.

  • Bill Kelly_Cool dude_1_15
    Bill Kelly_Cool dude_1_15

And so we come to our last competition of the 2020/2021 season and what a strange season it has been. We must congratulate all our members for their high quality enties to our competitions and to all the judges who have entertained and informed us this season. We will hopefully return to our normal clubhouse meetings at the start of the 2021/2022 season until then please enjoy our last competition of the year.

  • Alan Green_Bottles
    Alan Green_Bottles

Its hard to believe March has arrived and our season is well advanced, we have been well served tonight by our Judge James Hardy who’s critical and insightful eye has been cast over our enteries for this months competition. Thank you so much Judge Hardy its very much appreciated.

  • Alan Green_Castlerigg Stones
    Alan Green_Castlerigg Stones

February soon comes around and we were treated to the critical and kind comments by our Judge this evening. We welcomed Ove Alexander CPAGB and were very grateful for his time and talent in judging our images. Thank you so much Ove, we hope to see you in person whenever we can safely meet face to face.

  • Alan Green_Beach Huts
    Alan Green_Beach Huts

Our First competition of 2021 and we must thank our Judge for the evening Mr Will Stead EFIAP CPAGB PSA3 who entertained us with his insightful comments and keen eye. We look farward to his return in the not to distant future. Thank you once more.

  • Charles Connor_Ferocity of Nature
    Charles Connor_Ferocity of Nature

We were well served by our talented Judge John Riley and under such circumstances as we are experiencing this year we have such a wonderful and diverse selection of images from our talented members. Thank you John Riley for all your efforts on our behalf.

  • Graham Smith_A well earned rest
    Graham Smith_A well earned rest

Welcome to our second Virtual competitions, this time we were highly honoured that Sheila Giles consented to be our judge for the night. As with all open cometitions the subjects were varied and interesting. Congratulations to our worthy winners who’s work you can see in the Gallery.

  • Graham Smith_Crested Hawk Eagle
    Graham Smith_Crested Hawk Eagle

Our first cometition of the year was a first for us it was completly online via Zoom and judged by Darrell Oakden DPAGB EFIAP BPE4*. Thank you to all who took part both in submitting the images and who attended the virtual meeting. Congratulations to all our winners.

  • Graham Kendrick_Hair raising
    Graham Kendrick_Hair raising

And in this difficult time we come to our prestigeous Photographer of The Year Cometition, judged by : Dave Butler MFIAP EFIAP ARPS EPSA BPE5 ** who we must thank for such a difficult competition and in sch unusual circumstances. Thank you all, who for the past season have supported and helped to run the cometitions and to all our members who took part. Finally congratulations to our worthy winners.

  • Charles Connor_Lytham St Annes Lifeboat Jetty

As is our tradition the Nature competition has produced some of the great images of the season. We are very grateful to our judge Brian Dunsheath ARPS who due to the ongoing Covid-19 Virus managed to judge the competition from PDI files. Thank you so much.

  • Vincent Mears_THE PEACOCK

One of our most popular competitions of the season our Scapes competitons was expertly judged by the insightful Ove Alexander CPAGB .

  • David Chesworth_Skelwith

So we come to our Open with restrictions competitions and with our fantastic Judge Will Stead EFIAP CPAGB PSA3 we present our worthy winners. Many thanks to all who took part and to Judge Stead.

  • Colin Douglas_Barn and Boat
    Colin Douglas_Barn and Boat

Our Second set competition of the season was the Illustrative subject.  Always a contentious subect, however our judge Chris Boyes was more than capable of leading us and sharing his opinions and experience to present the awards for the evening .

  • Charles Connor_Lytham St Annes Lifeboat Jetty
    Charles Connor_Lytham St Annes Lifeboat Jetty